Studying Animal Behavior

  • Grades: 6th-12th
  • Time: 60 minutes
  • Fee: $200 / $150 Early Bird

Why and how do scientists study animal behavior? To explore these questions, your students will investigate animals up close in a zoo classroom and in an exhibit to learn the difference between observation and inference. Using tables to collect and analyze data, your students will develop the skills needed to better understand animal behavior and the tools that scientists use to study wildlife.

This Program aligns with the following standards:

NYC Scope & Sequence Next Generation Science
NY State Common Core
6th Unit 3. Ecosystems LS2-2 SI1, SI2, LI5.1g
7th SI1, SI2, LI5.1g
8th Unit 4. Evolution, Natural
Selection, and Adaptation
LS1-4 SI1, SI2, LI5.1g

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