BIO 662: Animal Behavior & Conservation

Fall 2025 Elective W+ Course

In-Person Dates: 9/7, 9/20, 10/5, 10/18, 11/9, 11/22

Location: Queens Zoo

3 Credits; Letter Grade

Investigations of animal behavior comprise a rich field of study. Animals are ideal for comparative observational studies on topics ranging from complex behaviors and adaptations to public engagement with conservation. Students in this course investigate animal behavior through direct observation of the zoo’s diverse animal collection to explore key questions about how and why species act the way they do in different situations. This course will provide a foundation for understanding ethological research methods and animal conservation issues that can be applied and adapted to increased understanding about animal welfare and wildlife conservation in a wide range of settings.This is a Miami University online course with experiential learning on-site at an affiliated Dragonfly Advanced Inquiry Program (AIP) institution.

Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Conduct a behavioral studies inquiry investigation
  • Engage with and assess multiple data collection instruments and behavioral methodologies
  • Determine how ethology helps in maintaining animal health in captive environments, aids in wildlife management, and helps determine conservation needs in the wild

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