BIO 657: Regional Ecology
Summer 2025 Elective W+ Course

In-Person Dates: 5/31, 6/19, 6/20, 6/21, 6/22, 7/20
Locations: Bronx Zoo & Adirondack Mountains
Note: This course includes a field experience that will take place from June 19 through June 22, 2025 in the Adirondack Mountains. An extra experience fee of $650 will cover all food, transportation and lodging. This fee is non-refundable. Space is limited.
3 credits, Letter Grade
This course will explore key regional ecosystems and wildlife conservation issues in the Northeast as well as field investigation techniques that scientists and citizens alike can use to study and conserve our local ecoregions and wildlife.
Participants will be introduced to the work of cconservation biologists and researchers from some of WCS’s partner organizations to see first-hand how field techniques are used to inform important conservation efforts in the Northeast. Throughout the course, participants will gain important research skills, develop an understanding of regional wildlife issues and their solutions, and explore techniques to engage their audience in ongoing conservation solutions.This is a Miami University online course with experiential learning on-site at an affiliated Dragonfly Advanced Inquiry Program (AIP) institution.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Understand how scientific inquiry is used to address local wildlife conservation challenges
- Develop, conduct, and analyze results from an original ecological field study
- Identify strengths and weaknesses of common field methods employed in wildlife research and conservation
- Investigate conservation practices and programs conducted by local and regional organizations<
- Evaluate ways to increase public participation and understanding of regional ecological studies and conservation issues (e.g., citizen science initiatives)