Our Partnership Model

WCS School Partnerships include programming for at least 2 of the 3 pillars - teachers/staff, students, family/community
We support teachers through robust professional development:
- Custom designed PD Workshops to provide learning around content and pedagogy
- In-school or virtual responsive coaching sessions for continuous pedagogical support across the school year
We accelerate learning and instruction for students through enriching, hands-on learning experiences:
- Customizable field trips to any of our 5 facilities
- Outreach to your school from our NY Aquarium educators
- WCS guest speakers from our zoos and aquarium as well as from conservation teams around the world
We reinforce the students' network of science support, by engaging family and community:
- Family advocacy and action days at our facilities
- Science Symposiums to display and celebrate student work
- Group overnights at the NY Aquarium

Benefits for Schools:
- Teachers and students learn from WCS experts to enhance their content and pedagogical practices!
- Partnerships build the zoo or aquarium into your school community!
- Schools can customize the content and level of contact to fit their individual needs and goals!
- Teachers work collaboratively in teams to develop curricula for their classrooms!
- Learning happens at any of our five WCS parks across NYC and in the school!