It Could Be Worse
1. Most worthy of a spa day
For us, raising kids can be a messy, exhausting affair. For Caribbean flamingos, though, it can mean foregoing their trademark pink. When they are feeding their babies, these moms can turn temporarily pale and washed out. Want to know more about the lives of birds? Join us for Bird Migration month, this May at the zoo.
2. Baby on board
Nine months is a long time to carry a baby, but compared to some animals it's child's play. Consider giraffes, who are just hitting their stride at nine months. All told, they're pregnant 13 to 15.
3. Picky Eaters
As children, we're pretty reliant on our parents to feed us. While humans may sometimes complain about broccoli, moms in the animal kingdom are even more committed to their offspring's nutrition. In fact, some spider moms feed themselves to their young.
4. Sibling rivalry
Did your mom have to break up some sibling fights? Certain frog moms carry each baby individually to its own tree to keep the youngsters from killing each other.
Treat mom to a day at the zoo this Mother's Day. She's earned it.
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