Project TRUE: Mentorship

In Project TRUE, small teams of high school students are paired with a Fordham University undergraduate student, who serves as a near-peer research mentor.
Research teams work out of the Bronx Zoo and are supported by a WCS conservation educator and a Fordham University graduate student (Biology).
Additionally, several WCS scientists and Fordham University faculty provide support and advisement.
Altogether, Project TRUE is a 30+ person team working together to support each other and to conduct urban ecology research. After the summer, you will be part of our growing alumni community (nearly 300 in total) that will continue to support you in your personal and professional pathway.
Check out our Mentoring Training Toolkit, which distills what was learned in the years of training undergraduate students to be mentors into five modules, each focused on a key component of mentoring: Mentoring Overview, Effective Communication, Youth Development, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Conducting Research. Each module includes several easy-to-implement activities, linked resources and templates, and suggestions for adapting the activity to a digital platform.