Science Research
Spend your summer conducting field research in NYC with a team of college students and scientists from Fordham University and the Wildlife Conservation Society.

Field Research
Project TRUE teams conduct field research on a variety of areas. See below for extensive list.

Project TRUE teams work together to analyze and interpret data to determine what factors explain field observations.

Project TRUE teams present findings at research conferences and to the general public.
Past Project TRUE Research Projects
Chick Out This Tweet: The Ecological Impact of Sound Pollution on Avian Communities
A. Brown-Beebe et al., 2024
Act NowShell-ebrating the Bronx River: Investigating Turtles and Riparian Zones
Z. Mera et al., 2024
Act NowEel-lucidating the Effects of Water Quality on Eels and Macroinvertebrates
S. Islam et al., 2024
Act NowUrban Herps: Herpetofauna Species Richness in Urban and Non-Urban U.S. Parks
K. Camacho et al. 2024
Act NowThe Bronx River (Eel)Venture: An Assessment of Habitat Suitability for American Eels
H. Jaquez et al. 2023
Act NowPaw-some! Association Between Pet-Ownership and Nature Connectedness
D. Gonzalez et al. 2020
Act NowBat-Tacular! Investigating the Effects of Urban And Environmental Features on Bat Populations
U. Dominguez et al 2019
Act NowShell- Shocked! A Study Observing How Urbanization is Influencing Turtles
E. Medrano et al. 2019
Act NowAnt-icipating the Future”: Surveying Ants in Urban Environments
A. Patterson et al. 2018 - PPZ
Act NowBat-Tastic! Environmental Factors affecting Bat Activity in the Bronx Zoo
M. Yassin et. al 2018 - BZ
Act NowInvestigating the Effects of Human Activity on Bird Species Along the NYC Urbanization Gradient
L. Thomas et. al 2018 - CPZ
Act NowThe Effect of Urbanization on Small Mammal Composition in the Bronx Zoo
N. Kuka et. al 2018 - BZ
Act NowExploring the Effects of Park Management on Species Richness in New York City Parks
E. Kelly et al. 2018 - CPZ
Act NowRiver Watchers: A Comparative Camera Trap Study Observing Riparian Species Richness
E. Medrano et al 2018 - BZ
Act NowExamining the Relationship Between Purple Marsh Crabs and their Environment
J. Sese et al. 2018 - CPZ
Act NowA Multivariate Site Comparison of Water Quality Along the Bronx River
O. Matalka et. al 2018 - BZ
Act NowUncovering the Effects of Combined Sewage Overflows on New York City Wetlands
R. Mendonca et al. 2018 - CPZ
Act NowMan vs. Bird: Effects of Human Activity on Bird Richness and Abundance
K. Oteri et al. - BZ 2017
Act NowNew York “Diver-City”: Assessing Taxonomic and Functional Diversity Across New York City Green Spaces
D. D'Agostino et al. - CPZ 2017
Act NowHoley Crab! Assessing the Presence of Purple Marsh Crabs (Sesarma reticulatum) in NYC Wetlands
S. Saiprakash et al. - CPZ 2017
Act NowWhere the Wild Things Are: A Comparative Study of Species Richness Between Green-Wood Cemetery and Prospect Park
N. Stewart et al. - PPZ 2017
Act NowBiodiverCity: Examining the Effects of Understory Biodiversity on Urban Small Mammals
A. Neffinger et al. - BZ 2017
Act NowQue Vive en tu Agua? Environmental and Spatial Factors Affecting Species Richness and Composition in Urban Ponds
C. Jaquenound et al. - PPZ 2017
Act NowRed-Eared Slider vs. Eastern Painted Turtle Abundance in Brooklyn Ponds
N. Rutishauser et al. - PPZ 2017
Act NowIsland Hopping in the Bronx: A Survey of the Bronx River Islands
J. Donaton et al. - BZ 2017
Act NowThe effects of flower color, scent, and native status on butterfly visitation in urban and rural sites
S. Christopher et al. 2016
Act NowThe Relationship Between Vegetative Coverage and Erosion Levels in NYC Wetlands
I. Adelona et al. - CPZ 2016
Act NowThe Effects of Soil Depths and Nitrogen-Fixing Plants on Green Roofs in New York City
M. Iannone et al. - PPZ 2016
Act NowNYC green roofs: How do growing medium properties affect native plant assemblages?
D. Restifo et al. - PPZ 2016
Act NowEffects of Urbanization on Wild Small Mammal Species Richness in the Bronx Zoo
K. Endler et al. - BZ 2016
Act NowStudying Stem Density, Animal Activity, Road Proximity, and Invasive Plants in NYC Forests
E. Hargous et al. - CPZ 2016
Act NowThe Effect of Proximal Urbanization and Tree Species Richness on Animal Activity
G. Martinez et al. 2016 - CPZ
Act NowThe Effect of Proximal Urbanization and Tree Species Richness on Animal Activity
A. Rebosura et al. - BZ 2016
E. Huntress et-al.-2015
Act NowPollination Nation: Effects of Urbanization and Flower Number on Pollinators
N. Habib et al. - PPZ 2015
Act NowPlant City! A Comparative Assessment of Vegetation Communities in the Bronx Zoo
J. Castillo et al. - BZ 2015
Act NowIs There a Relationship Between Soil Composition and Water Hardness?
A. Biltz et al.- CPZ 2015
Act NowExamining Soil Quality in Relation to Plant Diversity in NYC Wetlands
F. Rahman et al. - QZ 2015
Act NowH2Omg! A multivariate water quality assessment of two sites along the Bronx River
A. Melendez et al. - BZ 2015
Act NowInvestigating Plant Diversity and Anthropogenic Effects in NYC Wetlands
D. Shtab et al. - QZ 2015
Act NowBronx Science Consortium Partner Institutions

If you have any questions, please email